I was chatting with a friend the other day. We were talking about how God was using us in various areas to bridge a gap between mainstream conservative Christians, and the LGBTIQ Christian community. My friend speaks with mainstream churches while I pastor an inclusive but primarily LGBITQ church. http://www.michurch.org.au

We noted how God had made more time for us to do this work. We both also noted how our incomes had been affected by how God made time for us to do this work. We talked about the worry that sometimes comes when we leave the security of a sizable income. During that part of the conversation there was stress and tension, because there existed an element of not knowing what the future held. 

Our stress soon began to melt away the moment we began to talk about how much work God has already done to erase this gap which so clearly exists but is now shrinking on a regular basis. More and more mainstream churches are becoming affirming of all people and at the same time more LBGTIQ people are embracing faith again or for the first time. We became excited with the progress God was making because more and more people are willing to meet in the middle or at least discuss the prospect. Through these conversations and relationships hearts and minds are changing. 

Suddenly we both threw our caution to the wind and agreed that a steady pay check is comforting, but nothing thrills the soul more than knowing you are in the flow of what God is doing. God is bringing unity to the Body of Christ and healing to the hearts of those who have been hurt through exclusion. So much good work is being done and should be celebrated.

Too often however, we cling to our hurts. We can only see what is still wrong and how far we have to go for full inclusion in the church. I agree, we have a long way to go and the hurt being caused is unacceptable but I do think that we would bridge the gap quicker if more people heard good news in addition to what remains to be done. Good news breeds good news and leads to great news for those who have been told that God does not love them, because we know this is just not true.

So, let’s be joyful and start talking more about this good news and let’s keep working with God and our fellow believers to bridge this gap.  God cares about all of us; no-one is excluded. We have a responsibility to carry on the work of Christ, not create our own interpretation of what love looks like. Worried it will cost you? “19 And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.” Phil. 4:19

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