You being seen as LGBTIQ+A and Christian is an encouragement to someone else to come out and be seen. I wonder if we realise the encouragement that we offer to others when we come out as people of faith; no longer hiding this part of our amazing self.

Over and over I hear people say that they came from a Christian home or used to go to church “but then” they came out and……you name it, my parents disowned me, my church persecuted me, I felt unworthy, I was rejected from the very base of support I thought I could always count on. Others who know nothing about Jesus see how people are treated and think, why would I want anything to do with this God?

Then, somehow a brave few find our church or other affirming churches and discover that they can have it all. You can connect with God. You can be who God created you to be. In fact it is silly to think that God would create you to be who you are and then reject you when you honestly want to have a relationship. No…. rejection is manmade nonsense in the eyes of a loving God; folly in the highest.  

Based on the brave souls I have encountered over the years my guess is there are thousands more LGBTIQ+A Christians who don’t even know that affirming churches exist, they don’t know that they can hold onto their faith and their true identity. I know this because that is the second most common thing I hear; “I didn’t know a church like this existed” 

In the Bible Paul talks about being sent. He is referring to sharing the Gospel. In Romans 10:14-15 he says this:

14But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? 15And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!”

Before Jesus left this earth he instructed us to go (he sent us) so we cannot stay hidden any longer. I realise that it’s not popular or comfortable sometimes to share our faith, but we must. As believers we have to know that if Jesus were still here on earth He would, without hesitation walk right into our “local” and tell us he loves us and hang out with us. 

But Jesus had to leave so that the gift of the Spirit of God could now sit in every believer. Why? Because this good news needed to spread to every person so that no one would be left out. Jesus really does need us. Jesus needs us tell the truth to people who have been told that God does not love them. Jesus needs us to love and to lead others to an understanding of God’s inclusive love so they can let go of judging others and live free from religious legalism and instead embrace grace. 

Some people will reject you and say unkind things to you.  But these are also the people who, when life throws them difficulty, will call you and you can be there for them. I have found however, that more often than not your sharing opens the door to others being able to share. I remember going with a few friends to a well known LGTIBQ+A pub and while I did experience some who looked at me funny (or not so funny) I also met so many people who just wanted to share their stories. I had such a wonderful time listening to these stories and being able to offer hope…and yes we shared a few tears as well. 

We can eliminate some of those tears if we put ourselves out there. Let’s show our community that we can have our faith and edict too. “I am who I am by the grace of God”

 Let your light shine as a beacon for someone else to find hope, support, and a faith family.

Peace and love to all.

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