I call this blog “The Scribe” because I don’t see myself as a writer or blogger, in fact creative writing is not an area where I excel.

God knows this about me; knows how this very process oriented, right brain works and so we have a deal. God will dictate and direct, I will type. There will be times I will just type what I hear God saying and at other times I will share (at God’s direction) about my own journey.

I am not a Biblical Scholar per se, though I read and study my Bible regularly. I am like many disciples in the Bible a simple person who has encountered a mighty loving God who has great news for my life. I read and study about God and talk with God on a regular basis and I could not imagine my life without God. I am taught by Christ and Godly mentors and led by God’s Spirit.

The LORD said to me, Becky go to Australia. Seek out those who have been exiled from the church. Go and tell them the truth and help them return to their first love. When they return, they will bring with them family and friends, those who have never known me and you will build for me a truly inclusive church. Jesus is building his church and he said to me; “use the kiss approach”….”Keep It Simple Saints”

It’s a simple message.  Becky Bauer ministries is my leap of faith, my act of obedience to the Lord for the purpose in which I was created.  Promote unity in the Body of Christ through inclusion and the equipping of the Saints which for me means helping believers live their God given dreams.

Let the journey begin…..and may I serve God well as a servant and a scribe.

7Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready.   Revelation 19:7

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