The Chinese proverb ascribed to Laozi says that “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” and I believe this to be true with one exception. I believe that the journey of a thousand miles begins with the faith to actually take that first step and the next and the next.

My faith to take daily steps toward my goals has always rested on my understanding of, and relationship with God.  You see I have come to trust that if God says something to me it is true. Trusting God and trusting that it is actually God speaking to me has been a lifelong journey but I guess that’s the point.

We have to start somewhere and as we brave one step and we see God respond, we are ready to take the next step. My life now is a series of small steps that have taken me from a small town in Michigan in the United States to a church that would change my life in California, to a call from God while on the Mount of Olives in Israel, to the planting of a church in Melbourne Australia.

We hear all the time about major leaps of faith and yes,  I have had my share, but  slow and steady wins the race too and along the way we walk with a God who enjoys the journey and longs to walk with us every day. We are not a burden to God, we are a blessing.

So what goals have you set for 2018?

What challenges are you facing that require help?

Where would you like to travel with God this year? What is holding you back?

What small steps can you take today to start your journey?

May I offer a few suggestions….

1. Seek first the Kingdom; in other words pray, ask God to walk with you and to guide you.

2. Think of 3 small steps you can take toward your goal

3.  Ask 2 people to pray for you on a regular basis

4. Take 1 small step forward and ask God to show you the success of that first step.

Need a prayer partner? Contact us with your prayer request and we will keep you in prayer.

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