In the book of Isaiah, the prophet foretold that a shoot would come up from the root of Jesse (Jesse was King David’s father). In the Greek it reads, “In that day the heir to David’s throne will come”.  This verse refers to the continuity of David’s royal family line despite its virtual cessation during the exile. This heir would gather the exiles of Israel from captivity (Isa 11:1-3,12). The Prophet goes on to communicate God’s displeasure with the leaders who were more focused on themselves than the people they were meant to welcome and care for as they returned.

In the book of Isaiah, the prophet foretold that a shoot would come up from the root of Jesse (Jesse was King David’s father). In the Greek it reads, “In that day the heir to David’s throne will come”.  This verse refers to the continuity of David’s royal family line despite its virtual cessation during the exile. This heir would gather the exiles of Israel from captivity (Isa 11:1-3,12). The Prophet goes on to communicate God’s displeasure with the leaders who were more focused on themselves than the people they were meant to welcome and care for as they returned.

This passage of course is a reference to the coming of Jesus Christ as Messiah. Looking at this passage through the lens of the Old Testament, New Testament, and Today, the Lord explained to me that this is what is taking place currently in the Body of Christ and that God is moving to exploit and explode this behaviour in the Body. 

Old Testament

In the Old Testament Isaiah was referring to God rescuing the people from the captivity of the Egyptians and Babylonians. Once released the people began to return to Israel and they brought with them people from the surrounding areas who became believers in the God of Israel. In Isaiah 56 we read about how salvation was for all people including the foreigner and the eunuchs and how God was bringing all those exiled back into the land. The Lord proclaims through Isaiah “my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations” (Isa. 56:7).  Just after this pronouncement of salvation for others however, Isaiah shares the Lord’s displeasure with the Shepherds (leaders) saying “They are shepherds who lack understanding; they all turn to their own way, they seek their own gain.” (Isa 56:11) The Lord calls out those Shepherds who were more worried about themselves and personal gain than serving the Lord and caring for the spiritual needs of the people. 

New Testament

In the New Testament Jesus (the root of Jesse) comes as the Messiah, our Saviour. Jesus rescues the Jews, this time from themselves; from the captivity of sin. But Jesus ministry doesn’t stop with the Jews either because Jesus welcomes the Gentiles as well.  “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Rom 10:13).  Sadly, history would repeat itself when in Matthew we read about Jesus clearing the Temple. 

Honest people, bringing perfectly good sacrifices were being told their sacrifice was blemished and they would need to buy a proper sacrifice. Currency exchanges were not fairly weighed and as a result many who came to offer a sacrifice were not allowed access. This thievery was denying those who wanted to worship access to do so and Jesus was livid! Here again we see the rebuke from God, this time in the person of Jesus who says to the people “My house will be called a house of prayer (referencing Isaiah 56:7). Not only were people being cheated but they were being denied access to worship God; which brings me to now.


Today I believe the Lord is continuing to call the exiles home. God is saying to the churches “Shepherds, get My understanding. You are closing your doors and ministries to people who call on my name. To the outcast and the marginalised; the foreigner and the LGBTIQ who seek me. I the Lord have created all people, they are my precious ones. You, by your exclusions have neglected the law of love; how then can you say that you love me (1 John 4:20). You worry that your great multitudes will diminish and offerings with them, you still fear man though I have spoken plainly to you. Repent then, obey my law of love and bring unity to my body, welcome all who seek me; welcome them as a member of my family; honour me in this way.”

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