I recently attended the Awakening Australia Conference held here in Melbourne over the weekend of 13-14 October. I purchased three tickets in case some in my church wanted to join me. Not surprisingly, I had no takers. Being a Lesbian Pentecostal Pastor at Melbourne Inclusive Church I understand how many in our church would turn down an opportunity to worship with mainstream Christians because as our beloved Forest Gump so rightly stated….Christians are like a box of chocolates…you never know what you’re going to get.

For members of an LGBTIQ+A affirming church, attending an event where they may or may not experience discrimination is a bit of a turn off.  I understand that and I wasn’t hurt by their lack of interest.

God has placed a big passion in me for unity in the Body of Christ so I can’t help myself, I have to go. God has told me that the church cannot be united without my tribe and has proved it time and time again.

The first time God confirmed this was in 2014. I attended a prayer meeting before the first Church Unite event here in Melbourne. During the meeting the Lord had once again said to me “They can’t have unity without you”. When we prepared to open in prayer the leader said (as he pointed to me), I don’t know why, but I feel like the Lord would like you to open in prayer. Just then I heard God say….you guessed it….”told you so”! No one knew me, I was just a person coming to pray for the upcoming conference….but God is the same God for all of us and this was a great encouragement.

Now back to Awakening Australia, which by the way took place during Transgender Awareness week. I knew this, but I doubt many in the stadium were “aware”. It soon became apparent however that God was aware. I attended the event on my own. The front was full, so I sat in the stadium seating. Worship opened and what do I see? A worshipper with a flag…same colours as the Transgender flag. Then I am blown away by the theme colours used on stage all weekend…again same colours as the Transgender flag.

There will be some who say this is a coincidence, but I can’t. I heard God say there is no unity without your tribe. Funny because all weekend long the speakers talked about different tribes. LGBTIQ+A people are a tribe among every tribe. But our tribe represents so much more than our gender identity or sexual orientation, our tribe represents every child who has been told that God does not love them. To put this in biblical terms, every worshipper who comes to offer praise and is told their offering is unacceptable.

God wants every person under the rainbow (and in case that term is confusing it simply means every person) to know that you are loved, you are accepted, you are beautiful, and you are valuable, God sees you, you are not hidden from God. You are welcome to come as you are in the wonder of your diversity and connect with a God who adores you. God is speaking to our tribe through signs and wonders. God says…I see you, can you see me? I am here pursuing…..you.

The conference was amazing, and I only experienced direct discrimination from one person but I couldn’t help but smile at her because loving this person is not optional; we share the same God who is good.  A God who loves all of us and regardless of whether we love God back right now…God will continue to pursue your heart with love and great care.

The Bride of Christ is making herself ready (Revelation 19:7).  We see the shift happening. A paradigm shift is taking place and no amount of discrimination or ignorance will keep God from doing what has been ordained from the beginning. Humans continue to get in the way, but a day is coming and has now come when the true worshippers will no longer be driven by unscriptural traditions (see Mark 7:6-9) but  rather will be led by the Spirit of God and a correct understanding of the Word on which we stand.

People this is going to be good!!

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