We are currently in a time where LGBTIQ+ Christians are (and rightfully so) challenging the narrative (stories) about who we are and who others perceive us to be.

This narrative has been developed and unfortunately, adopted by many LGBTIQ+ Christians through cultural norms, beliefs we have held growing up, and by the church and society as whole. The narrative went something like this:

You are broken. The devil has gotten a hold of you. You are giving in to the flesh. God does not love you. God will not love you until you change. You can change. It’s a choice you have to make. You have a mental illness. You must remain celibate. 

Narrative counsellors and coaches will tell you that we all form narratives about our lives based not on reality per se, but on our beliefs, our lived experiences, the culture, and what others say. When these narratives-these stories we tell ourselves or hear from others are played over and over again in our minds they can quickly become a part of our identity.

But the narrative is changing.

There is a new narrative being written about LGBTIQ+ Christians. This new narrative is being written through various sources.

First and foremost, by LGBTIQ+ Christians who have courageously come out and shared their faith stories with family, friends and the wider community. These stories not only offer hope to others but they are the basis of a new alternative narrative about who we are as same-sex attracted and/or gender diverse followers of Jesus.

Additionally, Psychologist and health care professionals have provided documented evidence that same-sex attracted and gender diverse persons are not mentally ill, and this distinction has been removed throughout the medical profession.

Even the politicians, while much work is still needed have been able to pass legislation making same-sex marriage legal in many countries.

Finally, the church itself is beginning to shift the narrative. While some conservative Christian Churches and organisations continue to dig in, we are seeing progress on other fronts. More and more Christians and churches, after encountering someone who is LGBTIQ+ and Christian are going back to Scripture to study areas that previously seems unnecessary to explore. Those who study, those whose hearts have been touched by the love and faith they see in their LGBTIQ+ friends and family, they are helping to change the narrative through affirmation and active voices declaring God’s love for all people.

Friends we are in a time where more than ever our voices are necessary. New, alternative narratives are strengthened by the support and confirmation from friends and family and allies. Your voice matters to the creation of this more loving and positive narrative.

The new narrative sounds something like this: You are not broken, you are not ill, you are not abandoned by God, you are more than a conqueror. You are being led by God into a faith movement alongside your allies. This movement is based on the love we have received from God and the lessons we have learned from Jesus. Who better to lead this next move of God but people who held onto love, under the worst of circumstances, loving even those who do not yet love us back. 

The narrative is changing. I want to encourage you, where safe to do so to come out as people of faith, tell your stories of faith, talk about how God has blessed your life. Talk about the times you were brave in the face of opposition and how you chose to love.

This is our narrative…we get to write it…if we don’t, someone else will. You have a voice that can solidify this new narrative…take it out for a spin.

Becky Bauer is the Pastor of Melbourne Inclusive Church in Melbourne Australia. For more information about the church go to: http://www.michurch.org.au

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