The Scribe: Good News; Getting Better

I was chatting with a friend the other day. We were talking about how God was using us in various areas to bridge a gap between mainstream conservative Christians, and the LGBTIQ Christian community. My friend speaks with mainstream churches while I pastor an...

The Scribe: God of The Entire Rainbow

I recently attended the Awakening Australia Conference held here in Melbourne over the weekend of 13-14 October. I purchased three tickets in case some in my church wanted to join me. Not surprisingly, I had no takers. Being a Lesbian Pentecostal Pastor at Melbourne...

The Scribe: What If and What Now?

  The Lord has asked me to ask What if…… The Body of Christ chose to focus on Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount? What if that was the platform for our engagement with one another and the world around us? Do you think that maybe people would see the real...
The Scribe: A Journey of a Thousand Miles

The Scribe: A Journey of a Thousand Miles

The Chinese proverb ascribed to Laozi says that “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” and I believe this to be true with one exception. I believe that the journey of a thousand miles begins with the faith to actually take that first...
The Scribe: Love v Law, the news is good!

The Scribe: Love v Law, the news is good!

In the Old Testament, the Jewish people were welcome to worship God. The Jewish people after all were the chosen ones; meant to represent God.  Jesus Christ came on the scene and immediately the tables were turned forever, (no pun intended). Many Jewish people...

The Scribe: Return of the Exiles

Over the years God has developed in me a passion for the Old Testament stories of captivity and more importantly the return of the exiles to Israel. Throughout scripture we read of imperfect people connecting with a perfect God whose constant cry is “I will be...