The Scribe: Be Seen in 2019

TO MY LGBTIQ+A FAMILY AND FRIENDS You being seen as LGBTIQ+A and Christian is an encouragement to someone else to come out and be seen. I wonder if we realise the encouragement that we offer to others when we come out as people of faith; no longer hiding this part of...

The Scribe: Shepherds, Get Understanding

In the book of Isaiah, the prophet foretold that a shoot would come up from the root of Jesse (Jesse was King David’s father). In the Greek it reads, “In that day the heir to David’s throne will come”.  This verse refers to the continuity of David’s royal...

The Scribe: Good News; Getting Better

I was chatting with a friend the other day. We were talking about how God was using us in various areas to bridge a gap between mainstream conservative Christians, and the LGBTIQ Christian community. My friend speaks with mainstream churches while I pastor an...

The Scribe: God of The Entire Rainbow

I recently attended the Awakening Australia Conference held here in Melbourne over the weekend of 13-14 October. I purchased three tickets in case some in my church wanted to join me. Not surprisingly, I had no takers. Being a Lesbian Pentecostal Pastor at Melbourne...

The Scribe: What If and What Now?

  The Lord has asked me to ask What if…… The Body of Christ chose to focus on Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount? What if that was the platform for our engagement with one another and the world around us? Do you think that maybe people would see the real...