
Becky Bauer is the Senior Pastor of Melbourne Inclusive Church in Melbourne Australia.

Becky is a graduate of the Apostolic Centre for Training and Sending (ACTS) in Long Beach California. She holds a Masters degree in business and is a certified Project Manager Professional and currently completing a Diploma of Life Coaching.

Becky was called from the United State to Australia in 2009 as a Missionary and sent through Encounter Missions International.

Becky’s passion is to see people come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and to live their God given dreams. Living by faith and teaching on faith are key elements of Becky’s ministry in addition to helping believers pave a roadmap for their own success.

Becky is also a strong believer in playing our part to bring unity to the Body of Christ through love, relationship, teaching, and community involvement.

34 A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”                                                                 John 13:34-35